The largest factory in the world

Now that China is nearing its goal—in about 15 years China’s middle class will outnumber the entire population of the United States—it has an excess of steel and is exporting that excess at lower prices to other countries creating stiff competition across the globe. For instance, the ISSB reports that from 2013 to 2014 China increased its steel exports by 53% from 57.9 million to 88.6 million tonnes while the United States saw a 5% drop in its steel exports.

With the United States so obsessed to be #1 in everything—except for reducing the poverty rate—its capitalist oligarchs must be obsessively stressed out and worried that they are going to lose their Imperial crowns.

Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.

15-Year-Old Kelvin Doe is an engineering whiz living in Sierra Leone who scours the trash bins for spare parts, which he uses to build batteries, generators and transmitters. Completely self-taught, Kelvin has created his own radio station where he broadcasts news and plays music under the moniker, DJ Focus.

Kelvin became the youngest person in history to be invited to the “Visiting Practitioner’s Program” at MIT. THNKR had exclusive access to Kelvin and his life-changing journey – experiencing the US for the first time, exploring incredible opportunities, contending with homesickness, and mapping out his future.

How the ITU could put the internet behind closed doors.

English: 100 years International Telecommunica...

English: 100 years International Telecommunication Union Deutsch: 100 Jahre Internationale Fernmeldeunion :*Graphics by Lichtwitz :*Ausgabepreis: 40 Pfennig :*First Day of Issue / Erstausgabetag: 17. Mai 1965 :*Michel-Katalog-Nr: 476 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We love the internet.

And we’re guessing you do too. Think about all the awesome things it gives us: A vast communication network; innovative businesses; a platform to freely speak or challenge powerful governments; and hundreds and hundreds of hours of cat videos.

All this great stuff is available because the internet was designed in an open and inclusive way, with a multitude of voices being able to get a say on how it’s governed.

But the internet is in danger.

There’s a meeting between the world’s governments in a just a few weeks, and it could very well decide the future of the internet through a binding international treaty. It’s called the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), and it’s being organized by a government-controlled UN agency called the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

What do YOU Think about TECH 24?

The new technologies and their impact on our society. Every Wednesday at 16h15 (Paris Time) – Presented by Rebecca BOWRING and Eric OLANDER, Internet specialist.
Digital technology is now at the centre of many important world events, impacting everything from politics to economics to culture. TECH 24 hosts Rebecca Bowring and Eric Olander break it all down and explore the week’s key trends and technology news.

Well, I’ve been on the Mac since 1988. I have an iPad, an iPod and an iPhone and I’m perfectly happy. Microsoft who?

NoeliePoelie (as my grandchildren call me)

Noel Mooney said